Mukesh Babu Financial Services Limited was originally incorporated under the name and style of M/s. Embee Finance and Consultancy Private Limited on 27th February, 1985. The name of the company was changed to its current name with effect from 18th June, 1991.
The Company is promoted by Mr. Mukesh Babu, who is a professionally qualified Chartered Accountant with over 30 years of experience in the field of Finance and Investment Banking. Over the years, the Board of the Company consists of professionals who have long standing experience in the fields of Finance and Investment.
Mukesh Babu Financial Services Limited is a Finance and Investment Company, registered with Reserve Bank of India as “Non-Banking Financial Company”. It is a diversified financial services company with the main focus of business being investment banking and financing. As regards investment banking activities, the Company is engaged in research based investment in shares for short term as well as long term periods.
Experience and exposure of over 30 years of experience in the field of Finance and Investment put together with a strong team of dedicated professionals, commendable business acumen of its Managerial Level, the Company has been able to identify and encash upon strong viable companies and sectors, thereby generating revenue for the Company and wealth for its Shareholders.
It also continues to invest in companies with good potential and in sectors with potential growth is in nascent stages. As regards financial services, Mukesh Babu Financial Services Limited is active in corporate lending etc.
The subsidiary company, Mukesh Babu Securities Limited is a member of the National Stock Exchange of India, the Stock Exchange, Mumbai and Over the Counter Exchange of India.
The shares of Mukesh Babu Financial Services Limited are quoted on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).
Earlier it was also listed on Ahmedabad Stock Exchange (ASE), however, with SEBI granting permission to Ahmedabad Stock Exchange who opted for “Voluntary exit” from the business of stock exchange and surrendering of its recognition, it ceases to be listed on the ASE with effect from 02nd April, 2018.
Corporate Governance & policies
Mukesh Babu Financial Services Limited is committed to maximizing its Shareholder’s value and believes that transparency in management, best board practices and high standards of corporate conduct towards its stakeholders is essential in succeeding on a sustained basis.
The SEBI code has been incorporated in the listing agreement of the Stock Exchanges with whom Mukesh Babu Financial Services Limited ‘s equity shares are listed. Certain provisions in the Companies Act, 2013 also deal with Corporate Governance.

Unclaimed Dividend
Details of Unclaimed & Unpaid Dividend lying with the Company for each of the last seven financial years.
List of Shares liable to be Transferred to IEPF & List of Shares transferred to IEPF unclaimed for 7 or more years.